The Infinite Spirit needs an outlet, a focus through which it can pass into the intellect of man if he is to be reawakened. The Spirit is everywhere present, but must be concentrated through some outlet to be effective. Electricity exists, but unless you can convert and concentrate It through the generator, it will not flow through the wires and light your lamps.
Similar is the case with Spirit. It must find a medium, a wire through which to flow and reveal itself to those who need light. If Spirit is to help human beings, it must find an outlet through another human being. So, when God chooses to make His Presence felt, He usually does so by using some individual as His channel.
This brings us back to the third element in worship. We do need masters, but they must themselves have found God. If they have not, they cannot help us; if they have, then they are necessary to us, and become as links between ourselves and God. Thus, the third condition of worship is an intermediary between yourself and God, who will be a focus until you yourself are sufficiently strong and illumined to do without outside help. When that time arrives, the intermediary will humbly withdraw and leave you, because he does not wish to stand in your own light, nor between you and God. But until you can directly find God, He is there ready to help you. Therefore, the third condition in true worship is an inner link with someone who has himself found God. So, if you have these four qualifications: humility and a child-like attitude to begin with ; forgetfulness of your personal life for the time of worship; mental quiet and your own personal relation with some human intermediary who will help you to effect the connection with God until you are able to obtain it for yourself, then you are prepared to worship. You will have increasing forgetfulness of the personal life and increasing moments of the divine stillness, when you will feel that within that Silence there is a Higher Power descending upon you. That is the secret of true worship the sense that you are being taken up by a higher power.
Do not look for anything psychic, or for marvellous manifestations of an occult nature. They may come, but do not value them above the divine. Those things will only prove a hindrance to your worship; they are sidetracks which will take you away from the path of true worship. If you follow them, they will lure you into fascinating by-paths, but that is not real worship. When you find true worship, something within you will tell you something impersonal, infinite, and non-material, for you will, during a brief interval, lose the sense of your body.
In that moment when you feel that you are being taken up by a higher power, the answer has come to you, and then you are really worshipping. When you feel this, you must let yourself go ; do not resist or hinder it by making any effort of your own. Just let yourself go and let this Power take you wherever it wishes. It will not take you to any place, but it will take you out of your personal self, and partly out of your physical body, and to a large extent, out of your intellect.
It is possible that at such times, not always, but perhaps occasionally, you will see a Light - a great Light which envelops you and which appears to extend into fathomless space. It will seem to permeate you. You will apparently float into and Become one with it, so that you will not know whether you are the Light or whether that which you were, has disappeared.
If this experience comes to you, do not be afraid to let yourself - your personality- go. There is nothing to fear. You may feel that you are going to vanish into space, that there is a danger of death. Even if there were danger of death, it would be worth dying for such a revelation. But you will not die; this is only a temporary experience. It will not come to you often, so accept it gratefully when it does come.
That Infinite Universal Light is as near as you will ever get to seeing God. You will never "see" god otherwise than as Light; God is infinite and is Spirit. He can only appear to you in an infinite way, with no apparent finite limits. The nearest thing to Infinity that we can know is space. You cannot see to where space extends. You think you see the horizon, but if you try to approach it you will find that it always recedes into space. Space and Light are the only emblems by which God can manifest Himself to you.Light is the form of God, space is His home.
If God has rewarded you by giving you the vision of His Substance, and if you continue your efforts to worship Him, He will wish to lead you a step farther. He wants you to attain the Highest which it is possible for man to attain. And what is the Highest ? It is to discover and know that you, yourself, are spirit. To see God "outside" of yourself is still seeing Him as apart from you. The vision of the Light which you have is a vision which takes place within your own body. When you see the Light, you are still on the highest mental plane. You must rise higher.
Therefore, after He has shown you the Light, God withdraws Himself as such as Light, and leaves you free to find your r
eal self. You must then no longer look for God as Light, but as your own self. You must find God henceforth not as something in vision, but as being- as something which you are. You are a Ray of God. To know God is to be God, not to see God. To see implies duality, the relationship of one who sees, and that which is seen, but to be implies no relationship whatsoever, only the fusion of the ray, with the sun. And This is not the highest state of spiritual unity to which we can attain. . . .