What if human nerves could sense electromagnetism

So often we have accepted the philosophical statement "we are one with the universe" without seeking evidence. Actually, we are like the universe in many ways. The simplest form of matter, whether it be air, water, soil or a living organism, is composed of atoms and all these atoms are the same. But this fact is overshadowed by how we are different.

The ways identical atoms are organized into molecules, cells and systems and the operational instruction these higher structures receive causes them to look, behave and experience differently. For example, rocks and soil with the same atoms differ based upon their source, be it volcano, tumbling water or underground pressure. The instructions in the seed of a plant always produce the same kind of plant be it fern or giant tree.

The genes in the seed of an animal always produce a duplicate animal in coat, color and programmed behavior. The even more complex genetic instruction of humans provide nervous systems, brains and mind. Remember, simple instruction makes for uncomplicated mechanical reactions with the universe. More complex organisms have both mechanical reactions and interactions with the universe’s field.

The most complex organizations have the mechanical reactions, the field interactions, and because of the complexity of the nervous system, brain and mind they also selectivity transact with complex fields.

This means that man and higher animals can consciously modify their interaction and how they communicate with higher fields. By his communication man reorders himself and profoundly influences all living structures.

Simply, we can turn up and turn down as well as twist around how we affect and are affected by outside atomic structures.

We can reorder anti-coherent fields and send coherent ones into chaos. We will gain health and grow in consciousness as we progressively gain perfection over the subtle energies of our world. Then our bodies and minds will be able to lead and follow in the dance of life with the great pools of energy of the natural environment.
Take time in a busy day to purposely experience and revel in natural world all around us. We will be nourished if we focus our awareness on natural things, and not leaving it to happenstance. Plan to tune into the soil, the rocks, or the sand on a vacation or at the beach or mountains, so that we can sense these basic energies.

Weeding or trimming our garden is perfect if we experience these growing plants while we automatically weed.

Make it a ritual of sensing, not just a task to be complete.
It is interesting that we are enthralled by natural phenomenon without realizing that on a smaller scale we can have a real experience with living things.

We water our house plants dutifully but how often do we talk to them?

Place hands near them and watch and feel them move in circles to our energy. When we need refreshment, we stop at a park, at a waterfront, roll down our windows and drink in the natural essence? If we can rush home to get to the gym, why not we take a few evenings for a walk in nature?

Because we humans do not have nerve endings for directly sensing electro-magnetism, we will sense it in the form of color, shape, sound and the flow of air. But all these impressions also feed our sixth sense, the sense of the immaterial.

We can interact with our world out of reflex and half-heartedly even if we do nothing but exist. We can improve our skill while practice focusing our attention on the bio-cosmic connection.

When we do this, our transactions will profoundly nourish our total being and we shall find ourself on every level both separate yet one with God's phenomenal universe.