Sex needs to be conceived as a natural
phenomenon. There is nothing profane or sacred
in it. It is purely natural life energy of tremendous importance. If you cannot
sublimate it, it can destroy you; and it has destroyed humanity.
It is the energy man is born out of;
everything is born out of it. Naturally there is no higher energy than sexual
energy, but biological reproduction is not its only function. The same energy
can have different creative dimensions. The same energy, joined with meditative
practices, can be sublimated to the highest peak of consciousness i.e.,
Sexual ethics is not a law, instead it is
love. Two persons can be sexually related only if love allows. When there is no
love, and only law remains as a binding force, it is sheer prostitution.
Law is not love. Marriage is valid only if
there is love. The moment love disappears, the marriage is invalid. It means
millions of people are living unlovingly, unethically, unnaturally, because of
the religions that have forced the arbitrary bondage of marriage and have tried
to make it permanent.
Life is continuously changing; nothing is
permanent. Love also is not permanent. Only plastic flowers are permanent, real
flowers cannot be permanent. If you are too addicted to permanence, then you
will end up with plastic flowers; that’s how people have ended up with plastic
marriages, plastic relationships – phony, hypocritical. And it gives no
pleasure to anybody.
There is a vast prostitution all over the
world. Ordinarily when you go to a prostitute, you purchase her for one night.
At least it is straightforward. But when you marry a woman, promising her that
you will love her always, even beyond death – and even before the honeymoon
ends, the love disappears– then you live in deception. Now you are using a
human being as a thing, as a sexual object. It should be condemned.
Love should be the only law, the only
deciding factor. And the energy of sex should not remain confined to
reproduction only. It is simple to see the fact that animals are not sexual all
the year round, they just have their seasons. In those few months or few weeks
they are sexual; otherwise sex disappears. Why has man the capacity to be
sexual all the year round? There must be a purpose behind it. Existence never
does anything meaninglessly. My
understanding is that reproduction could have been managed within a few weeks,
just as it is being managed in all the
animals. But man has been given so much sexual energy.. . . it is a clear indication that existence wants you to
transform this energy into higher levels of consciousness and this is my idea
of expanding consciousness – and it can
be transformed. Just as it can give birth to children, it can give birth to
you. It can make you reborn, with a new vision, new bliss, new light, and a
totally new being. All that is needed is that the sexual energy should be
joined with meditation.
That is where sexual ethics comes in
picture: sex energy plus meditation.
And it is the easiest thing to join them,
because while making love, the moment you come to an orgasmic explosion, your
thoughts disappear, time stops. Suddenly you have melted into the other, you are no longer an ego. And these are the qualities of meditation: no ego, no time,
no thinking. Just pure awareness and
a melting into the whole. Where sexual
orgasm ends, meditation begins. They can be joined very easily. The easiest
thing to do is to join them, they are so close.
My own insight is that people came to discover meditation through sexual
orgasm because of these qualities. They could see that when thoughts stop, time
stops, ego disappears and you are in a tremendously beautiful space. Although
it lasts only for seconds, it has given you the taste of something that is not
of this world, something of the beyond.
We don’t know who discovered meditation,
perhaps thousands of years ago. In the East, we have books at least ten
thousand years old, describing methods of meditation. But any method brings the
same qualities. This is my feeling, that
without sexual orgasm, nobody could have been able to discover these three qualities.
Once they discovered these three qualities, people of intelligence must have
tried to experience them without going into sexual orgasm. Is it possible to
attain to such a state of higher consciousness?
Somebody must have succeeded, and since then millions of people have
The whole of humanity lives
in misery for the simple reason that they have the wrong kind of sexual ethics,
a kind which teaches them to repress it. And the more you repress your
sexuality, the farther away you are from meditation. The more you repress it,
the closer you are to madness, not to meditation. And now it is a fact established by
psychoanalysis that repressed sex is the basic cause
of human misery, of all kinds of perversions, of all kinds of mind sicknesses.
But the religions still go on preaching the same thing. Sigmund Freud should be remembered as one of
the milestones in the history of man. But his work is only half. He simply fought against repression;
his work is negative. In itself it takes you nowhere; it is fighting against darkness. Goals of sexual ethics must reach to completion. Repression
has to be dropped. And a deep acceptance, a deep friendliness towards your own
energies, a loving intimacy with your own energies so those energies can reveal all their secrets to you... And
joining them with meditation, orgasm becomes the door to the temple of the divine.
If sex is the creative force in the world, it
must be nearest to the creative center of the world – whatever name you give to it. Creative
energy must be closest to creation, to the creative source of it all. People should be taught the art of converting
sexual energy into spiritual enlightenment.