Use your hidden or latent senses existing in brain for Esoteric experimentations

Use your latent senses existing in brain for Esoteric experimentations  by

Absolute Truth occurs in the Supreme Creational plane and is the cause of the creation. Reality is perceived truth. It is a subjective impression or realization, that is, the effect produced by the truth as the cause in the creational plane, that we perceive by sentient entities. Therefore, reality is not the absolute truth unless and until we can have access to the Supreme Creational plane where the cause took place for the creation. As a result, the knowledge of creation arising from perceived reality that we possess is knowledge of sentient entities which we receive or perceive as subjective impressions, that is, effect of the cause in the Supreme Creational plane.

Based on such repeatable experiments it should be easier for the scientists to accept the conclusion that the activities of subtler world influence those of the gross world as revealed by measurements made by external sense-organs and available instruments of this physical world. The Supreme creator makes prompts, giving each spirit force when he so desires the necessary direction, which is intelligible to that particular individual entity based on his background. He gives the optimal solution as a prompt.

What we see, experience or acquire through our physical senses by way of knowledge of the physical world may merely be the impressions of the effects of the cause which is taking place elsewhere. In other words, what is presented to our view is not the true reality but the perceived reality and presents the distorted version of the true reality which varies from man to man. It, therefore, raises serious doubts over power of human knowledge vis-à-vis the realities in modern day management theory and practice as well.

When the quality of information itself is refractive and not true, one may wonder as to the maximization of the information entropy on the basis of which the decisions in present-day management are normally made. Transformation of such information base into the knowledge base and then to the managerial wisdom leading to decision-making is, therefore, bound to be incorrect and corrupt. Such transformation is left to the ability of the strategic management to maximize the information entropy of the knowledge base and to transform such knowledge base into a managerial wisdom by virtue of higher skills, qualifications, training and experience. The wisdom of the strategic management, however, is the sentient wisdom with relative truth as a result of the perceived reality of the situation by them and not the truth even remotely close to the ultimate truth or even semblance of the truth. This perception is the manifestation of higher consciousness at the plane of physical senses which at best can give partial or inadequate knowledge.
Even while such informed decisions may prove to be the correct decisions, they are not the absolutely right decisions as pointed out in the post-decision audits. Even the best of the decisions of the governments, corporate world or of the individuals in course of time appear to be not the only best decisions as may be proved by the subsequent developments.

The reason for the existence of veils, obstacles or the covers that hide the Real is that the spiritual faculty has not been developed like the physical and the mental faculties. All over the world, the focus is on training of body and the mind. The spiritual faculty has remained more or less neglected and has not been given the due attention unlike its physical and mental counterparts.
The third and the highest level of spiritual education namely the science of spirit force is woefully missing from the syllabi of almost all the educational institutions including the institutes of excellence. The result is the imbalanced development of the human personality and knowledge.

Apara vidya is the body of knowledge derived from the physical senses, what pertains to this world and not beyond it, that is what pertains to the material plane, the physical world in which we live. All modern science speaks about this physical world and this includes informatics, OR and systems science among others. On the other hand, there is a distinct body of knowledge derived from esoteric experimentations and research of the Rishis and Saints particularly in the oriental world, (para vidya, which pertains to the regions beyond our physical world), by making use of hidden or latent senses which exist in the human head and which can be rendered kinetic though meditation, sadhana or to be more precise Surat Shabda Yoga - Surat (spirit force)-Shabda (spiritual sound currents)- Yoga (union) is the yogic (meditational) practice in the religion of Saints referred to as Sultan-ul-Azkar by Sufi saints, for uniting the Atman or Surat with the sound current which accompanies all emanations of spirit current.

Spirituality is the science of spirit or the spirit force. Until and unless this is also imbibed as a part of balanced development, the physical and the mental knowledge acquired in the institutions of knowledge shall remain the perceived knowledge and reality and subjective.This will not be the absolute knowledge or the absolute reality. Transformation of such knowledge into the wisdom base for management decision-making is bound to remain, therefore, a flawed one. The decisions made from such a knowledge platform may not necessarily be the right decisions.