One Probable reason of Why Mark zuckerberg donating 45 billion dollar

If, having this opportunity of birth in the flesh, birth as a human being during the few years which are passed here on earth, we do not take the opportunity of fulfilling its higher purpose, we have foolishly wasted our incarnation. We enfeeble ourselves clinging to transient, material things. We are not gaining true life. We are gaining death. What is the final end of life : to eat, drink, sleep and make merry? It is only to become aware of Who and What is behind it. If we do not grasp this opportunity, we lack wisdom ; we are foolish; here we all are, apparently caught up in this great wheel of  life, with its endless revolutions through births and deaths. Now is our opportunity to seek the eternal Overself, for the sense of separation from the divine centre within must always make man restless and unpoised. That is why the billionaires who are able to get everything in this world, still seeks for happiness. I have met both millionaires and ragged mendicants, and I Know.

Mark Zuckerberg, owner of Facebook has announced plans to donate $45 billion or close to Rs 3 lakh crore or Rs 3000000000000. That’s 3 with 12 zeroes going in charity to people in need. Why? No one knows. . . But it may be one of the reason that he might have finally realized that happiness does not lie within superficial matters and before its little too late, strike the chord.  he might have known that he could not live without this sense of a divine presence ever near him, ever around him. Without it, life would hardly be worth while.

Very few have the mellow wisdom and ripe understanding and ready courage to face the hard truth that this world is only a camping-ground. We are not hereto live for ever, and therefore all mortal possessions and earthly glories should be wisely used and wisely understood; they should not make us captive. If we cannot grasp this, then we risk having to be stripped of everything and thus made to mourn involuntarily. We are really birds caught in the net of external existence, glorying in our captivity. If, however, we can face this truth and retire from our servitude of finite things, if we can light the battle out within our hearts and thus arrive at a state of detachment, then the combat need not be fought out again in the world. It will not be necessary to lose everything ; the loss has already occurred deep within us, and an outward loss need not again occur.

Those, therefore, who know for what is lost in the sense that they have let go of all belongings, all relatives, within the depths of their heart those for whom all possessions and all people are as dead they alone are the known.They have had to give up inwardly. That they shall be comforted, is His definite promise; that they shall be given a new treasure. Such mourning is worth while, because through it they find the Eternal Reality, which makes them really blessed and comforted. However, if those who have neither the wisdom nor the strength to be prepared in the depths of their hearts to arrive at this inner detachment from ephemeral things, and who consequently have to endure the stripping process through misfortunes which life generally brings, will try to convert their trials and their troubles into stepping-stones leading towards this detachment, then even they also shall be comforted and their involuntary mourning will not be without value. They must begin with faith, and time will gradually bring them to a realization of these truths. Their first step must necessarily be an act of faith, of trust, but such faith does not mean blind acceptance; it is an intelligent faith which is really a sensitivity to something within which assures them that there is a higher power and a higher reality. They will get eventually glimpses which will assure them of a goal worth reaching.